
Blueprint paper
Blueprint paper

blueprint paper

Hang your paper up using the string line and pegs in a darkened area to dry. Hang it up to dry out in a dark part of the laboratory or store it lying flat in a dark drawer. Allow the excess solution to drip into the tray before placing it wet side up onto some newspaper on a desk. Put a piece of white A4 paper into the liquid just long enough to get it damp - not wet! Place a piece of A4 paper onto the liquid in the tray, then lift the paper out of the tray by the two corners nearest to you.Move the tray gently to get the liquid to cover the base of the tray properly. Mix the two liquids together, and pour them into a tray.Do steps 10–12 in a dark part of the lab.Stir carefully with a clean glass rod until all the crystals have dissolved.Now measure out another 50 cm 3 of water and pour into beaker B.Stir carefully until all the crystals have dissolved.Use the measuring cylinder to measure 50 cm 3 of water and pour the water into beaker A.

blueprint paper

Now weigh 9 g of Substance B into the beaker marked B.Weigh 5 g of Substance A into the beaker marked A.Get two 100 cm 3 beakers, a measuring cylinder and a stirring rod.1 drying line with 2 bulldog clips (or string and pegs).Ammonium iron(III) citrate – labelled “Substance B” (low hazard).Potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) – labelled “Substance A – Irritant” (low hazard).20 sheets (or access to) plain A4 paper avoid shiny or very absorbent papers.1 wash bottle containing distilled water.You decide to investigate further… Equipment: However, before you can use these shades, you need to understand how they are made. You realise that the shades of white and blue would be perfect for a piece of art you are currently working on. On a table were the Blueprints for the building. While on a school trip, you saw that some renovation work was being carried out by some builders. Investigating the process of producing Blueprints and the role UV light plays.Producing an image or diagram on my Blueprint paper.Carrying out an experiment to produce Blueprint paper.The iron(II) ion reacts with the potassium ferricyanide to form an insoluble blue compound, blue iron(III) ferrocyanide, also known as Prussian blue. The two iron salts do not react with each other in the dark, but when they are exposed to ultraviolet light the iron(III) ammonium citrate becomes an iron(II) salt. The paper is coated with a solution of two soluble iron(III) salts. Hamied Inspirational Chemistry Programmeīlueprints use the cyanotype process invented by the astronomer John Herschel in 1842.Introductory maths for higher education.The physics of restoration and conservation.

Blueprint paper